
Gear We Recommend

Singing Resources

Note: This page contains affiliate links.  We earn commissions for some of our recommendations.  But no, we don’t let that sway our opinions.

Karaoke Equipment

Step into the lively realm of music with the karaoke equipment we recommend. Each piece of gear is selected for its perfect blend of cutting-edge technology and enjoyment, enabling singers of all levels to showcase their talent. Our recommendations include top-notch karaoke machines, dynamic microphones, and extensive song libraries to suit all musical preferences. With easy-to-use interfaces and superior sound quality, these pieces of karaoke equipment are your keys to transforming any gathering into a vibrant, melodious event.

Studio Equipment

Enhance your recording experience with the studio equipment that we endorse. From top-tier microphones and soundproof booths to mixers, headphones, and an array of audio interfaces and software, we’ve picked out the best for you. These items are designed to facilitate the creation of studio-quality audio right from your own workspace, and they’ve been carefully selected to help you bring your creative vision to life.

Performance Equipment

Take command of the stage with the performance equipment we suggest. Our selections include a variety of live sound gear such as PA systems, monitors, mixers, and high-quality microphones that are designed to deliver a robust, clear sound that reaches every part of the venue. Additionally, we recommend gear that’s sturdy, portable, and user-friendly, ensuring easy setup and breakdown. With the performance equipment we vouch for, you’ll not only deliver stellar performances but also create unforgettable experiences for your audience.

Karaoke Equipment

Whether you want to practice singing using a karaoke app, host a karaoke party, or take your singing on the road, we’ll point you to the gear we use.

Studio Equipment

Building a home studio is a great way to be able to record yourself singing.

Performance Equipment

You need different equipment for studio recording than when you are on the road, but some equipment can be shared.  We’ll help you determine what works best for your needs.

Band performing studio

Being in a Band

Studio and on the Road

"Luctus lectus non quisque turpis bibendum posuere. Morbi tortor nibh, fringilla sed pretium sit amet. Semper leo et sapie

– Rehaan Whitfield

"Fermentum nulla non justo aliquet, quis vehicula quam consequat duis ut hendrerit. In non pulvinar purus. Curabitur nisi odio, blandit et elit at, suscipit pharetra efficitur elit. Curabitur non bibendum ligula."

– Kason Espinosa

"In non pulvinar purus. Curabitur nisi odio, blandit et elit at, suscipit pharetra efficitur elit. Curabitur non bibendum ligula."

– Axel Farrow

Join us in keeping the music alive

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