About Us

Mission & Vision



Our mission is to empower individuals to find their unique voice. As a premier online resource for all things related to singing and vocal performance, we strive to offer valuable insights, practical advice, and up-to-date information for singers of all skill levels.



Our vision at Singing HQ is to become the most trusted and accessible online destination for singers worldwide, regardless of experience or background

Our Founder

Hey there, I’m Kalyn.

I’ve been singing since I was a little girl.  I was fortunate enough to grow up during the 70s and 80s and had some of the best music ever on the radio, which I always sang along with.

After retiring a few years ago and dealing with the craziness of the world, I decided to dive headfirst into the world of singing. And what better way to help others than sharing what I’ve learned with my very own website? Hence, Singing HQ was born.

Now, when I’m not enjoying my retirement, you can find me sharing my insights and knowledge with anyone who’ll listen. And hey, if you decide to click on one of my affiliate links (shameless plug alert!), I just might earn a commission. But don’t worry. It won’t cost you a dime extra.

So join me on this singing journey, and let’s see where this  takes us!


Affiliate and Advertising Disclosure

I always aim to provide unbiased editorial content. I also need to pay website costs, so I make money in a number of ways. I sometimes use affiliate links to products and services on retailer sites, for which I can receive compensation if you click on those links or make purchases through them. From time to time, I publish advertorials (paid-for editorial content) and sponsored content on the site. When this is the case, the content is clearly marked as sponsored or promoted, so you’ll always know which content is editorial and which is not.